The Impact of NLP on Machine Learning

November 18, 2021

Machine learning is integrating into our everyday lives – it is in our mobile apps, on the websites we visit, and in many of the devices we use. Similarly, Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology has come a long way in recent years, transforming the way we interact with machines. It uses machine learning techniques to provide computers with the ability to understand natural human language and respond accordingly.

In this blog post, we will discuss the impact of NLP on machine learning and how it differs from traditional machine learning. We will also explore the ways in which NLP has revolutionized the way machines communicate with humans.

Traditional Machine Learning vs. NLP

Traditional machine learning involves feeding large amounts of structured data into a computer and using algorithms to identify patterns and make predictions. The approach is helpful when it comes to tasks like image recognition, time-series forecasting, and fraud detection.

On the other hand, NLP deals with very unstructured data, such as spoken or written human language. NLP algorithms use a set of rules to extract meaning from text and analyze its sentiment, entity recognition, and other features. It also recognizes the different meanings behind words that have multiple interpretations, such as 'bat' – which can mean either the wooden tool used for baseball or a flying mammal.

The Impact of NLP on Machine Learning

NLP has had a profound impact on machine learning, making it possible for machines to understand human language more accurately and efficiently. It allows machines to perform language-related tasks, such as speech recognition, chatbots, and machine translation.

Natural Language Processing is the technology behind the chatbots that many businesses now use to communicate with their customers. By using machine learning, chatbots can process millions of conversations and identify common queries that are usually asked. Chatbots can now offer an immediate response to frequently asked questions and sometimes, even handle full dialogues with users.

Moreover, NLP also plays a crucial role in sentiment analysis. It helps understand, quantify, and interpret people's opinions, attitudes, and mood. Sentiment analysis is a valuable tool for many industries, especially those in retail, finance, and politics. It helps them to know what their customers or the public think about their products, services, or political campaigns.


NLP has transformed the way machines learn and communicate with humans. It allows machines to understand, analyze, and generate human language, opening a range of possibilities for machine learning applications. Its impact has gone beyond businesses and has become significant in our daily lives. It helps us use technology more efficiently and understand what is otherwise difficult to grasp.


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